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My journey here

I found arts therapy at a transitional period in my life, when I felt most disconnected from myself, and what I wanted and needed from life. I had travelled around the world, explored some of my dream adventures, and seen the highest mountains yet I felt lost, lonely and unsatisfied. I was extremely critical of myself and unsure of how to move forward.

I started studying arts therapy with a desire to find creative expression and to channel my need to be of service. I  instantly felt a connection to materiality and the access to feeling that it gave me. I was all of the sudden given a language to use in order to explore my internal felt sense and creatively find the best ways to express it outwardly.

I leaned into it.

It was messy and chaotic at times, and beautifully attentive at other moments.

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I discovered versions of myself that I had forgotten, I found ways of saying what I needed without sharing a word. I saw my grief for the first time, held my insecurities, and got in touch with my pain.

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I played, I explored safety and boundaries in relationships, used metaphors and sand worlds to see and get close to traumatic emotional experiences, I found ways of letting go of fear and navigated through complex personal and interpersonal material. I used art-making as a way to regulate my nervous system, it gave me insights into deeper feelings, and it most importantly opened doors that have been locked shut for most of my life.

I sought extra psychological support when I needed it and I relied on closely unpacking my findings with therapists that I felt most safe with. I trusted that understanding and incorporating my findings was my way through them.

Everything came at the right time whilst I curiously searched for a deeper understanding of it all, of myself. I said yes to every emotion, exploring the materiality of being in the world and what it means to live in healthy expression.

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I practise with the main intention to

assist others in connecting with their inner experience and expressiveness.

I believe we are all creative beings and it is an honour to support people in entering their own sense of self through play and creativity —The ‘as if’ reality of endless possibilities. 

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Adi Benarroch Creative Arts Therapy

Living and creating on Wurundjeri Land


©2024 by Adi Benarroch Creative Arts Therapy. 

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